About This Blog

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I am an international school educator, currently working as a Primary Assistant Principal in China.This blog is a space to explore thoughts as a teacher, a parent and a learner. I'm interested in different ways of imagining and realising education and present this blog as a platform to explore and share ideas.

Saturday, 13 October 2018

On (Re)discovering The Golden Rule

In this world of information overload which we navigate daily, it’s so rewarding to come across something that resonates with you for its sheer simplicity and deep worth. While listening online to Karen Armstrong’s enlightening speech at the Global Centre for Pluralism’s annual lecture, I was re-introduced to the The Golden Rule; “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. I’ve only known this as a bible verse but I was delighted and and humbled to learn that this principle is to be found throughout the world’s religious texts and has been used by the the greatest thinkers and writers throughout history. 

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Positivity and Passion Towards Nature

Today I was glad to come across an interview on YouTube with Richard Louv, author of "Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder", in which he highlights the need for positive interactions between children and nature. One of his key messages is that rather than filling young minds with a doom and gloom portrayal of the future in regards to climate change and environmental destruction, we should aim to generate positive feelings in our children towards the natural world. His point is that if children have developed a love of nature, then they are going to be more likely to want to protect it. It's a pretty simple theory really but an essential one for educators to get to grips with.

Here he is in an interview for Global Voices for Justice:

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