About This Blog

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I am an international school educator, currently working as a Primary Assistant Principal in China.This blog is a space to explore thoughts as a teacher, a parent and a learner. I'm interested in different ways of imagining and realising education and present this blog as a platform to explore and share ideas.

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Nature Tables

Bringing nature into our home is something which my son and I have always enjoyed and we take great pleasure in showing off our finds on a permanent nature table. Creating a designated area like this puts value on his curiosity and love of nature, on his choices as regards what and how things could be presented, plus it puts value on the items themselves.

Saturday, 10 August 2019

Developing A Vision for Play Time

INSET Day of Outdoor Fun Begins

At the tail end of the last academic year I simultaneously launched the Loose Parts Playground and claimed and opened a large garden space for the Junior School. Both were an instant hit with the students. Along with many discussions and mini workshops on play last year, and the set-up of our maker space, we had begun, as a staff, to re-think our approach to play time.This August’s INSET provided me with the platform to share my vision of how we can really take play to the next level. 

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